story of khaby
::This is khabane lame the fastest growing creater in the world.
He was a waiter and a factory worker making a total of $1000 Per month
His family immigrated from Senegal to Italy looking for a better life but life was hard he didn't have money he was dyslexics and rejected from middle school and high school and college.
When covid came he didn't even have a
Job because he got fired from both of them.
Khaby said-:
Hi I love you and I love to make people smile my video is simple and easy!
That's it yeah ' ..
He got on social media and started making videos and that changed his
Life forever his videos were short and
Sweet he made fun of complicated life
Tasks and simplified them.
In the beginning only 2 people watched him his father and his neighbour in one
Month 9 views and 2 subscriber but he
Didn't care he continued to make videos.
He didn't talk? So every one understood he was so everyone laughed and he was
Simple and everyone shared
Little by little he got more followers from
every country in the world .in less than 2
Years khaby explode he went from 0 to
The factory worker is became the face of
Hugo Boss!..
He make millions of people laugh he is invited to film festivals he meets incredible people and lives the best life ever.
Own words,,,
They say "i can't do it"
But if you want to aim to that They say
"No, forget it because it's impossible '
But ,those are that person's limits not
Your's so you have to keep doing what you want you want to do succeed
You can make it big on the internet even if you never want to school
Even if you have no money...
"The next big thing
The next Angelina Jolie
the next Mr. Bean
Will not come to Hollywood they will
Come from Senegal,Italy, India, Philippines....
They end